8 to 16th November 2008


Invited by the cultural service of the french ambassy, Xeremia gived many performances for all audience and also young audience.

Our first concert, concert hall Komitas.
Concert salle Komitas

A lot of people came to us after the concert.
après concert 1 après concert 3
In this audience, two young people from a french-speaking club invited us for an unwritten performance in their town, Nor Hadjin, the following day.
Beetwen pièces, we asked audience to translate (french to armenian) our comments.
Nor Hadjin 1
The two young people and their teacher.
Nor Hadjin 2

We gived a performance with the ensemble CHARAKAN, directed by Daniel Yerajichte, with a medieaval part (Xeremia) then one armenian traditionnel (Charakan) and, as we like to do it, a common part with an armenian repertory.

Photograph : Gagik Buniatyan

Photograph : Gagik Buniatyan

For young audience one performance at the ambassy for schools, and one with a more important presentation of our instruments in a musical school in Erevan. We met very talented young musicians :
Ecole de mus1
Ecole de mus 2
In Gumri, a performance for the students of the french-speaking school.
Collège de Gumri

Miscellaneous photographs :
At the restaurant
au restaurant
A market
Marché 1 Marché 2
Statue of Charles Aznavour in Gumri
statue Charles Aznavour

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